1. Import MAC authorization file (import MAC authorization file first, and then modify MAC address after successful import)
authority file name 192.168.101.xx ont ont #Import MAC authorization file; file name, ftp server address, ftp username, ftp password
2. Modify MAC address, GPON SN, manufacturer information, etc.
flash set ELAN_MAC_ADDR 041119507ca8
#Modify MAC address
flash set DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME AS321 #Modify device name (need to set 3 places)
flash set GPON_ONU_MODEL AS321
flash get PON_VENDOR_ID TECH #Manufacturer ID (need to set 2 places)
flash get GPON_SN GPON005083F8 #Modify GPON SN (need to set 2 places)
flash get HW_SERIAL_NO GPON005083F8
flash get HW_HWVER R1.2.3 #Set the hardware version number
flash get DEFAULT_WLAN_SSID FTTH-83F8 //Set the default SSID. After restoring to factory settings, the SSID is: WIFI-E554
flash set DEFAULT_WLAN_WPA_PSK [Password] command sets the wifi password. After the setting is completed, you need to restore the factory settings to take effect.
flash get WLAN_WPA_PSK //Read the password
cat /proc/wlan0/mib_all //Read the driver version
flash get HW_WLAN0_11N_XCAP
flash get WIFI_TEST
flash all | grep WLAN Read wifi information
3. Phone port test
mpring 1 pots1 turn on ring
mpring 0 pots1 turn off ring
mptone 1 pots1 turn on 1Khz tone (beep can be heard when the phone is off the hook)
mptone 0 pots1 turn on and off tone
4. Indicator and button detection
led test start #Enter button and indicator test mode
led test allledon #All indicators are on, except the power light
led test allledoff #All indicators are off, except the power light
cat /proc/led_test #WIFI, WPS and Reset button detection, press the button for 2~3s respectively, read the command, and return something like: RESET success! WPS success!, indicating that the corresponding button test is OK
led test stop #Exit test mode
5. Factory reset
flash default cs //Factory reset
reboot //Restart
flash default cs
cat /proc/vendor //Read version number
cat etc/version
cat etc/vendor
flash all |grep MAC //MAC search
6.MAC address authorization check:
authority get status #Check whether the written MAC address is legal. Modify the MAC address and restart it, then use this command to query; MAC Authorize from auth1, Authorize Successfully!
7.LNA port design
flash set RTL02C_CUSTOM_LAN_CNT 2
Check I2C
Command: diag i2c get state port 0 Standard value: I2C state: Enable
Command: diag i2c get state port 1 Standard value: I2C state: Enable
8.Change login password
Super user:
flash set SUSER_NAME adminisp
flash set SUSER_PASSWORD adminisp
flash set DEFAULT_SUSER_NAME adminisp
flash set DEFAULT_SUSER_PASSWORD adminisp
flash default cs
Ordinary user:
flash set USER_NAME user
flash set USER_PASSWORD user
flash set DEFAULT_USER_NAME user
Read super user: flash all | grep SUSER
Read ordinary user: flash all | grep USER
Read telnet: flash all | grep TELNET
flash set SUSER_PASSWORD admin1234 // Modify login password
flash set SUSER_NAME 123456 // Modify username
flash set TELNET_PASSWD W00fy~nt3rn3T // Modify login password
flash set TELNET_USER admin // Modify username
Change form
flash get CUSTOM_PON_MODEL //Read form
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 0 //Three no (no WIFI, CATV, VOIP)
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 1 // Only WIFI
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 2 // Only CATV
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 3 // Only WIFI+CATV
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 4 // Only VOIP
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 5 // Only WIFI+VOIP
flash set CUSTOM_PON_MODEL 6 // Only CATV+VOIP
Post time: Mar-12-2025